
Sunday, 30 June 2013

Day 2

I love fishing, who would have thought!  
We were taken down to Swinsty and Fewston reservoirs, just a couple of the hundreds of reservoirs owned by yorkshire water that have been opened up to the public to enjoy.  We were taken fly fishing by the experts, the famous (well they should be) Colin and Andrew, the ranger/wardens of the area.

They rigged us up in the very fashions;

Then taught us the very basics before setting us loose into the water.  Evie tried lassoing the fish and Jess tried whipping hers into submission (and a few innocent bystanders too) but Hannah and I were the ones that had to show them how it was done. We both caught whoppers. Well that might be a whopper, but we did both catch a fish.......but didn't land them, does that count? At least we now have  a 'one that got away tale' which every true fisherman must have.  

It was a great morning and was almost a great afternoon too as we took some persuading to stop. Definitely recommend everyone to try it. I want to go back


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