
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

The old geezers views

A bit of reflection midweek on the surprisingly fascinating visits of last weekend to the water process areas have made us think a bit more about the way we use our water.  Of course the helicopter ride, fishing and cycling get the headlines, but actually the process of having nice clean water always on tap is pretty amazing.

Key areas that struck us included the amount of land owned and managed by Yorkshire Water, and some of processes of land management, such as redressing the drainage put into the moorland areas to try to (unsuccessfully) gain more farmland due to the postwar food shortages (and yes we do remember those!)

The breadth of areas that Yorkshire Water have to be involved with we found amazingly wide.  From pesticide choices and environmental care to education centres which enable school pupils understanding of the water cycle, and products to help reduce water use.  Just as we flick a switch and expect light, we turn a tap and expect clean fresh water, without realising its value or cost.

It's seems odd now, that we use drinking water to water our plants and clean cars and bikes with.  It's a bit like feeding pets with restaurant quality food, or using a taxi every day instead of getting the bus - it's very nice, but not really necessary.

So thinking about the upcoming weekend, what has it got in store.  We know about the water that reaches our taps; perhaps it's the not so nice (or smelly!) bit after we have used our water coming up next!

Sam, Lynn and Dan

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